On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 07:02:12AM +0100, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> It sounds reasonable to allow interface style to control that sort of  
> thing, and the behavior you suggest makes sense for a windows app.
> I'm not sure it addresses the original case though ... which was not for 
> an app running on windows and where, specifically, we know we don't want 
> to have the app close when  the last window closes.  So we probably still 
> need to retain defaults for more fine grained control over behavior 
> rather than just forcing a microsoft style behavior.
> It's not a problem really to do both microsoft style behaviors and user 
> defaults for fine control.

Just for the record, I like the vertical menus :o)

> Anyway ... see what you think of the change to allow unhide by showing  
> the app icon when the app is hidden, and think about how it would be if, 
> instead of showing that, what we actually did was show a miniaturised 
> version displayed in whatever way the window manager normally  handles  
> miniaturised windows (eg in a task bar).

It works for me (under Metacity), thanks Richard ! I think this is a
big step for better integration. I would prefer something to appear in
the task bar instead (so demanding...) of the appicon but it's a start.

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