Germán Arias schrieb:
> Hi Fred, If you are agree I will add the variables
> GSUseWindowFrameColorToMenu and GSMenuItemsBordered to GUI, but I don't
> know in what file are seated the defaults values of the variables. 
> And I don't know if you are agree to add GSTaskBar (or whatever you want
> call it). To do this I need add some changes on NSApplication and
> NSWindow, and add another variable for use this, maybe GSUseGSTaskBar.
> Of course this need a tool that I call "gstb". Greetings. 

Hi German,

as for the changes to the menu drawing I would prefer to see the whole
drawing here moved over into GSTheme and then it would be very simple to
implement everything you want to do by a new specialised theme that just
draws the menu differently. There isn't much point in inventing a
special mechanism to handle one specific drawing aspect when there
already is a perfect concept to deal with the whole thing.

Specifically for the menu item colour I am thinking about making the
system extension colour list, that is already used in GSToolbarView an
official GNUstep mechanism, move the code over to NSColor and to add all
the other colour definitions we have scattered in GNUstep gui (I think
NSTableView uses some, hints to other places are welcome). That way a
theme would just need to override one extra colour list.

Is this a feasible approach for you? Or do you see a reason to do things

As for GSTaskBar I already replied on the discussion list. What I would
like to know about the implementation is what change will be required in
NSApplication and NSWindow. We should try to come up with a generic way
to handle application icons here, so that we don't need to change our
gui code the next time somebody comes up with an idea for a task bar tool.


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