
This morning, I have inadvertently updated gnustep-base on my Debian machine, which remained at version 1.19 since april this year....
To my surprise, I have found at least two unannounced changes:
- the property list format is now serialized directly in XML, which is somehow useful.... or, well, maybe not. - the NSZoneMallocAtomic function has been removed, causing SOGo users to fail in compiling SOPE

yes, the plist change was to great distaste to me. I wanted to file a bug report! I was held back privately byu some of the maintainers.

I saw no notice of that too, I wonder if it is perhaps something accidental? I'd rather prefer the traditional format which is easy to read and also about 1/4th more compact!

About the second change I don't know, RIchard can answer you best probably.


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