On Wednesday 20 January 2010 01:57:10 am Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> I think the background process is stopped if it tries to *read*, not if it 
> tries to write.
> I also strongly suspect that this is the behavior expected by most people ... 
> if background processes were freely able to read from the terminal then you 
> would have a conflict between different processes trying to read data.
I do want my new task to read. I can call tcsetpgrp to make that happen but then
the parent is stopped. 
> I added code to the testsuite to check this behavior see the last test in 
> base/NSTask/launch.m and the Helpers/processgroup.m program).
> Running this on OSX deonstrates that OSD *does* change the process group of 
> processes launched from NSTask, so it looks like the current behavior is 
> correct.
> > But the following program should illustrate the problem:
> I think you forgot to add it.
Added in another email. So what should I do if I want the child to read while 
waiting, then child quit and parent read again?

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