Top level objects in the nib are the responsibility of the controller.
 That is to say that if you load a nib from MyController then any and
all top level objects in that nib should be released by MyController
when it deallocates itself.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Wolfgang Lux <> wrote:
> Fred Kiefer wrote:
>> Before FOSDEM we were planing a coordinated release of the GNUstep core
>> components. In the meantime a lot has happened. Base was completely
>> rewritten, or so it seems from the outside and gui had to play catch up.
>> Then I toyed around with the NIB loading and broke a few things.
>> Now things are rather stable again and we should come back to our
>> original plan. For gui this would be an intermediate release not the 1.0
>> release I am hoping to see later this year.
>> What still needs to be done in gui is finishing the switch to #import,
>> moving on to non fragile ivars will happen later. I first want to see
>> the results base gets with its approach to that topic.
>> Adam, could you once more take up the task of releasing GNUstep? We
>> should give it another week or two so that people can complain about
>> existing bugs that need to be fixed before the release.
> Well, just for a start:
> Rereading the Apple docs, I've noticed a (long-standing) incompatibility in
> the nib loading code. When one of the nib loading functions is called with
> an external name table and this dictionary contains the
> NS(Nib)TopLevelObjects key, GNUstep passes ownership of the top-level
> objects to the sender. However, this is not the case in Cocoa. Have a look
> at the Cocoa Resource Programming Guide and in particular the section
> "Loading Nib Files into Your Program Programmatically"
> (
> Try the example code from Listing 2-4 with your favorite nib/gorm file and
> you will observe a crash in GNUstep because the top-level objects are
> released once too often.
> While testing this, I've also noticed that NSNib.h does not define the
> string constants NSNibOwner and NSNibTopLevelObjects, which were introduced
> together with NSNib in 10.3. Please note that Apple uses the values
> @"NSOwner" and @"NSTopLevelObjects" for these constants for backward
> compatibility. This is documented in Apple's NSNib.h header file, but I
> couldn't find it in the online docs. I guess following Apple's approach
> would simplify the nib loading code in a few places.
> Wolfgang
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