Hello folks,

I seems that the runtime abstraction layer is being deprecated.  I would
have expected that the introduction of yet another runtime would
actually strengthen the need for the abstraction layer.  Yet I
appreciate that supporting three runtimes is quite a task.

Also the semantics of many underlying concepts of EOF and WebObjects (in
particular KVC) have changed so much that it seems hardly feasible to
continue to hack the runtime structures to make GDL2/GSWeb work with
current gnustep-core / Cocoa.

I'm currently considering 
- forking GDL2 to GDL3 which will not be WO45 compatible yet follow it's
concepts as much as feasible.
- forking/branching -base for GDL2 but stop supporting Cocoa here
- forking/branching -gsweb to be more WO45 compatible and have trunk
gsweb adapt to GDL3 and current Foundation/Cocoa

ie: WO45 compatiblity


I need the WO45 compatibility and will spend most of my efforts here.
the current projects will lose many of the current hacks and should be
what new projects would use.

Are you still actively using GSWeb and how much do you rely on WO45
compatibility... i.e. if I fork/branch as I described would you be
interested in the WO45 compatibility branch or the branch that tracks
the current developments.


David Ayers - Team Austria
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