Hi David,

I found the trunk url for svn and installed it. Seems WebObjects are
installed at local, not system Library/Frameworks. 

** Why the mod conf is bind to app name? So how to do multi web apps?

** How to test the gsw installation without deploy the app?

** How to deploy the app?

Where is the GDL2 for svn co?



On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 10:53 -0700, David Wetzel wrote:
> Hi,
> you should install -base and gsweb from svn.
> if you want to use a database, you need to install gdl2 from svn too.
> After you installed that, you can try 
> gsweb/trunk/Examples/hello
> David Wetzel
> Am 01.06.2010 um 10:43 schrieb Elim Qiu:
> > My main interests are GSWeb. Now I have a installation of core GNUstep.
> > What I need to do?
> > 
> > How to verify my installation of the core?
> > 

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