On 12 Jun 2010, at 10:07, David Wetzel wrote:

> Hi,
> this code has been working before and is working on OS, but this is current 
> (svn) -base:
> // string is @"6.69"
> price = (NSDecimalNumber*) [NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble:[myString 
> doubleValue]];    
> price = (NSDecimalNumber*) [price decimalNumberByDividingBy:[NSDecimalNumber 
> numberWithInt:100]];    
> (<NSException: 0x7f7ff88e3e60> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException 
> REASON:NSDoubleNumber(instance) does not recognize decimalNumberByDividingBy: 
> INFO:(nil))

I fixed that in svn trunk.
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