Hi Doug,

sorry for replying so late. I was away for a week on holiday (and well
needed holidays as I have to say).

My original suggestion was to keep everything within the WinUX theme. My
thought was that the whole logic that you implemented into
NSPopupButtonCell (or was it NSMenuView?) of removing its action during
the display of the menu would be well suited in the processCommand:
method. So if the menu of the menu item belongs to a popup button it
should not send the action.
I directly admit that this isn't the best way to achieve the desired
result but it was the simplest way to get there without changing much in
GNUstep nor in the WinUX theme.

Your new proposal could be the better idea, but we should discuss it
some more with Greg and Richard as these two may know more about the
theme concept than I do.
As I understand your code, you try to leave the whole window, event and
action handling to the theme. This also seems to be what Greg's original
theme method displayPopUpMenu:... tries to do, but maybe this method
doesn't cover all it should do? And reading the Apple documentation for
attachPopUpWithFrame:inView: we may even have to move our code around a
bit. (Not that I trust the Apple documentation that much, but it would
make sense to have a separate method for the popup display and event
tracking that could be replaced by the theme as a whole.
I hope to find time to look into this some more tomorrow and come up
with a proposal.


Am 28.10.2010 00:37, schrieb Doug Simons:
> Solved!
> Okay, after much thought and carefully talking through this with Greg and my 
> colleague Jonathan, we've come up with what seems to be a good solution. This 
> involves adding a new theme method which allows us to inquire whether the 
> current theme handles event processing for a popUp menu. If so, we stop 
> processing events in the NSPopUpButtonCell after the menu window has been 
> attached. This works quite well to resolve the problem, since the basic issue 
> turned out to be that both the theme code and the NSPopUpButton/NSMenuView 
> code were taking responsibility for calling the action method. One is enough!
> Here are my changes to the code in gui:
> Index: Source/GSThemeMenu.m
> ===================================================================
> --- Source/GSThemeMenu.m      (revision 31561)
> +++ Source/GSThemeMenu.m      (working copy)
> @@ -130,5 +130,11 @@
>  {
>    // default implementation of this method does nothing.
>  }
> +
> +- (BOOL) doesProcessEventsForPopUpMenu
> +{
> +  return NO; // themes that handle events in a popUpMenu should return YES
> +}
> +
>  @end
> Index: Source/NSPopUpButtonCell.m
> ===================================================================
> --- Source/NSPopUpButtonCell.m        (revision 31561)
> +++ Source/NSPopUpButtonCell.m        (working copy)
> @@ -993,6 +993,8 @@
>    // Attach the popUp
>    [self attachPopUpWithFrame: cellFrame
>                        inView: controlView];
> +  if ([[GSTheme theme] doesProcessEventsForPopUpMenu])
> +    return YES; // the theme handles the events, so we're done
>    p = [[controlView window] convertBaseToScreen: [theEvent 
> locationInWindow]];
>    p = [menuWindow convertScreenToBase: p];
> And here is the code change in the WinUXTheme:
> Index: WinNSMenu.m
> ===================================================================
> --- WinNSMenu.m       (revision 31569)
> +++ WinNSMenu.m       (working copy)
> @@ -495,6 +495,12 @@
>                win,
>                NULL);           
>  }
> +
> +- (BOOL) doesProcessEventsForPopUpMenu
> +{
> +  return YES; // this theme handles all of the popUpMenu event processing
> +}
> +
>  @end
> Fred, please let me know if this looks to you like a satisfactory solution, 
> and I'll check it in.
> Thanks!
> Doug
> On Oct 26, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Doug Simons wrote:
>> Hello Fred, Greg, and anyone else who cares to look at this problem with 
>> Windows events.
>> Unfortunately, without the former fix in place the pulldown menus are not 
>> working correctly on Windows. Here's the situation:
>> Our action method gets called twice on Windows when selecting an item from a 
>> pulldown menu.
>> Unfortunately, the mechanism behind this has to do with Windows' tendency to 
>> call back into
>> GNUstep whenever the app checks for incoming events. Here's a narrated 
>> transcript of what's happening:
>> Breakpoint 3, -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x1589148, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac7728, event=0x1474bc0)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1444
>> 1444      NSDate *theDistantFuture = [NSDate distantFuture];
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x1589148, _cmd=0x6dac7728, 
>> event=0x1474bc0)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1444
>> #1  0x6d9471fb in -[NSMenuView mouseDown:] (self=0x1589148, _cmd=0x6dad7548, 
>> theEvent=0x1474bc0)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1779
>> #2  0x6d9639e6 in -[NSPopUpButtonCell 
>> trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (self=0x9aaaef0,
>>    _cmd=0x6dad5d00, theEvent=0xb886a78, cellFrame=
>>        {origin = {x = 0, y = 0}, size = {width = 148, height = 26}}, 
>> controlView=0x9ca5110,
>>    untilMouseUp=1 '\001') at NSPopUpButtonCell.m:1014
>> #3  0x6d95f89a in -[NSPopUpButton mouseDown:] (self=0x9ca5110, 
>> _cmd=0x6db17d80,
>>    theEvent=0xb886a78) at NSPopUpButton.m:457
>> #4  0x6d9ec8f3 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0x9ae3f80, _cmd=0x6da77048, 
>> theEvent=0xb886a78)
>>    at NSWindow.m:3684
>> #5  0x6d89dc8e in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x1317938, _cmd=0x6da6cd20) at 
>> NSApplication.m:1541
>> #6  0x6d88220a in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0x10fda18) at 
>> Functions.m:89
>> #7  0x004018bd in main (argc=1, argv=0x10fda18) at main.m:13
>> (gdb)
>> This is how we enter the NSMenuView trackWithEvent: method. So far, so good.
>> The processing then continues normally through this method up to line 1659, 
>> at which point it
>> (indirectly) calls our action method and hits another breakpoint:
>> (gdb) n
>> 1462      original = AUTORELEASE(RETAIN(event));
>> (gdb)
>> 1464      type = [event type];
>> (gdb)
>> [… many steps omitted here …] 
>> 1640              if (!justAttachedNewSubmenu && index != 
>> _highlightedItemIndex)
>> (gdb)
>> 1659          event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: eventMask
>> (gdb) n
>> Breakpoint 1, -[VNCConnection(ScriptGeneration) enterTypeTextKeys:] 
>> (self=0x1420260,
>>    _cmd=0x1702b78, sender=0x9aaaef0) at VNCConnection+ScriptGeneration.m:1408
>> 1408            NSString *keys = [sender titleOfSelectedItem];
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  -[VNCConnection(ScriptGeneration) enterTypeTextKeys:] (self=0x1420260, 
>> _cmd=0x1702b78,
>>    sender=0x9aaaef0) at VNCConnection+ScriptGeneration.m:1408
>> #1  0x6d897906 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (self=0x1317938, 
>> _cmd=0x6dad7688,
>>    aSelector=0x1702b78, aTarget=0x1420260, sender=0x9aaaef0) at 
>> NSApplication.m:2204
>> #2  0x6d96145a in -[NSPopUpButtonCell(CocoaExtensions) _popUpItemAction:] 
>> (self=0x9aaaef0,
>>    _cmd=0x12cf8a8, sender=0x9952c68) at NSPopUpButtonCell.m:1317
>> #3  0x6d897906 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (self=0x1317938, 
>> _cmd=0x6290ea58,
>>    aSelector=0x12cf8a8, aTarget=0x9aaaef0, sender=0x9952c68) at 
>> NSApplication.m:2204
>> #4  0x62905430 in -[WinUXTheme(NSMenu) processCommand:] (self=0x137d118, 
>> _cmd=0x700e9c30,
>>    context=0x126) at WinNSMenu.m:385
>> #5  0x700d3fb6 in -[WIN32Server windowEventProc::::] (self=0x136a640, 
>> _cmd=0x700e7258,
>>    hwnd=0x4c0134, uMsg=273, wParam=294, lParam=0) at WIN32Server.m:692
>> #6  0x700d0101 in MainWndProc (hwnd=0x4c0134, uMsg=273, wParam=294, lParam=0)
>>    at WIN32Server.m:2141
>> #7  0x77d48709 in USER32!GetDC () from C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
>> #8  0x004c0134 in -[VNCConnection(ScriptGeneration) 
>> toolbar:itemForItemIdentifier:willBeInsertedInto
>> Toolbar:] (self=0x700d00a4, _cmd=0x4c0134, toolbar=0x111, 
>> itemIdentifier=0x700d00a4,
>>    flag=0 '\000') at VNCConnection+ScriptGeneration.m:2059
>> #9  0x77d487eb in USER32!GetDC () from C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
>> #10 0x700d00a4 in -[WIN32Server(WindowOps) windowbacking::] () at 
>> WIN32Server.m:964
>> #11 0x77d489a5 in USER32!GetWindowLongW () from 
>> C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
>> #12 0x00000000 in ?? ()
>> (gdb)
>> Here, you can see that obtaining the next event from NSApp involves calls to 
>> Windows that give
>> the Windows event mechanism an opportunity to call back into the 
>> MainWndProc() function (I believe
>> the methods shown at frames 7 and above in the backtrace here are bogus -- 
>> gdb gets confused and
>> clearly can't identify the fact that this is all occurring within the 
>> earlier call stack into
>> the NSMenuView trackWithEvent: method).
>> Frame 4 is the processCommand: method in WinUXTheme. This is the only place 
>> I'm aware of where the
>> theme is called during this process. It doesn't look to me like a useful 
>> place to intervene.
>> So, at this point our action method has been called indirectly as a result 
>> of the call to
>> [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: ... ] at line 1659 of [NSMenuView 
>> trackWithEvent:]. I've cleverly
>> entered a breakpoint at the next executable line of that method, which is 
>> hit when we continue
>> from our action method:
>> (gdb) c
>> Continuing.
>> warning: HEAP[Eggplant.exe]:
>> warning: Heap block at 016EC540 modified at 016EC549 past requested size of 1
>> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
>> warning: HEAP[Eggplant.exe]:
>> warning: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 00AB0000, 016EC548 )
>> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
>> Breakpoint 4, -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x1589148, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac7728, event=0x9bc3670)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1663
>> 1663          type = [event type];
>> (gdb)
>> [note: the warnings and SIGTRAPs above seem to be normal fare when debugging 
>> in Windows, so I don't think
>> they're significant, but I left them in for completeness, in case anyone 
>> thinks they may be relevant]
>> Now that we've arrived at this point, the trackWithEvent: method proceeds 
>> normally until line 1734,
>> where it calls our action method a second time (although getting this 
>> process to work in gdb is tricky,
>> as it relies on the mouse location in the window, so you have to put the 
>> mouse in the right place in the
>> application window while working in the terminal window, and hope that the 
>> planets are properly aligned):
>> 1659          event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: eventMask
>> (gdb) n
>> Breakpoint 4, -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x9c1a130, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac7728, event=0x9b263a0)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1663
>> 1663          type = [event type];
>> (gdb)
>> 1665      while (type != end || shouldFinish == NO);
>> (gdb)
>> [… more steps omitted here …] 
>> (gdb)
>> 1728      if([self _executeItemAtIndex: indexOfActionToExecute
>> (gdb)
>> 1734      [_attachedMenu performActionForItemAtIndex: 
>> indexOfActionToExecute];
>> (gdb)
>> Breakpoint 1, -[VNCConnection(ScriptGeneration) enterTypeTextKeys:] 
>> (self=0x999d708,
>>    _cmd=0x14f5540, sender=0x9a9a3e8) at VNCConnection+ScriptGeneration.m:1408
>> 1408            NSString *keys = [sender titleOfSelectedItem];
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  -[VNCConnection(ScriptGeneration) enterTypeTextKeys:] (self=0x999d708, 
>> _cmd=0x14f5540,
>>    sender=0x9a9a3e8) at VNCConnection+ScriptGeneration.m:1408
>> #1  0x6d897906 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (self=0x1317938, 
>> _cmd=0x6dad7688,
>>    aSelector=0x14f5540, aTarget=0x999d708, sender=0x9a9a3e8) at 
>> NSApplication.m:2204
>> #2  0x6d96145a in -[NSPopUpButtonCell(CocoaExtensions) _popUpItemAction:] 
>> (self=0x9a9a3e8,
>>    _cmd=0x12cf8a8, sender=0x14dd458) at NSPopUpButtonCell.m:1317
>> #3  0x6d897906 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] (self=0x1317938, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac4748,
>>    aSelector=0x12cf8a8, aTarget=0x9a9a3e8, sender=0x14dd458) at 
>> NSApplication.m:2204
>> #4  0x6d93ede7 in -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:] (self=0x9c6a968, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac76a8,
>>    index=10) at NSMenu.m:1300
>> #5  0x6d948388 in -[NSMenuView trackWithEvent:] (self=0x9c1a130, 
>> _cmd=0x6dac7728,
>>    event=<value optimized out>) at NSMenuView.m:1734
>> #6  0x6d9471fb in -[NSMenuView mouseDown:] (self=0x9c1a130, _cmd=0x6dad7548, 
>> theEvent=0x9da16b8)
>>    at NSMenuView.m:1779
>> #7  0x6d9639e6 in -[NSPopUpButtonCell 
>> trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] (self=0x9a9a3e8,
>>    _cmd=0x6dad5d00, theEvent=0x9e07d48, cellFrame=
>>        {origin = {x = 0, y = 0}, size = {width = 148, height = 26}}, 
>> controlView=0x9a9a230,
>>    untilMouseUp=1 '\001') at NSPopUpButtonCell.m:1014
>> #8  0x6d95f89a in -[NSPopUpButton mouseDown:] (self=0x9a9a230, 
>> _cmd=0x6db17d80,
>>    theEvent=0x9e07d48) at NSPopUpButton.m:457
>> #9  0x6d9ec8f3 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0x9aafa40, _cmd=0x6da77048, 
>> theEvent=0x9e07d48)
>>    at NSWindow.m:3684
>> #10 0x6d89dc8e in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x1317938, _cmd=0x6da6cd20) at 
>> NSApplication.m:1541
>> #11 0x6d88220a in NSApplicationMain (argc=1, argv=0x10fda18) at 
>> Functions.m:89
>> #12 0x004018bd in main (argc=1, argv=0x10fda18) at main.m:13
>> (gdb)
>> So here our action has been called a second time from the same event.
>> Possible solutions:
>> 1. The one I checked in earlier, which uses the hack of removing our action 
>> during the call to nextEventMatchingMask:
>> in order to prevent the action from being called twice. Not very elegant I 
>> admit, but it does the job.
>> 2. Figure out a more general solution for blocking callbacks from Windows 
>> while getting events. This would be ideal,
>> because these callbacks cause lots of problems that I've worked around in 
>> various ways, such as a recent change I
>> made to to NSPasteboard to change an NSLock to an NSRecursiveLock, which was 
>> probably only needed on Windows.
>> One thought to do this would be to set a flag in NSApplication while 
>> fetching events, and queue any events that come in to handle them later… I'm 
>> not sure exactly how this would work, and it might not solve the current 
>> problem anyway, if the queued events were only delayed somewhat but were 
>> still delivered.
>> 2a. Assuming the extra call could be eliminated, for the situation with 
>> pulldown menus, it would also be necessary to modify the NSMenuView 
>> trackWithEvent: method to properly record the selected item. In my previous 
>> fix I modified the [NSPopUpButtonCell _popUpItemAction:] method to set the 
>> popup's selected item. As the code stands now, it's necessary to call that 
>> method for the menu to work properly, and that code is called as part of the 
>> chain initiated by the callback from Windows. So if the callback were 
>> eliminated the trackWithEvent: method would need to set the selected item, 
>> which probably makes better sense anyway.
>> 3. Any other ideas? I would really like to see a good general solution to 
>> the callback problem, but it may not be trivial to do. 
>> Fred, you suggested that it might be possible to do something in the 
>> processCommand: method in the theme, but I'm not sure quite what you had in 
>> mind. Based on what I've described above, do you still think a solution 
>> might be possible there? I'm not sure how that method would decide whether 
>> to send the action callback or not.
>> Comments and ideas are very welcome.
>> Doug
>> On Oct 19, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> sorry the revert is already committed, but if there is a way to help you
>>> I am willing to jump in.
>>> In my first mail I suggested to add the popup test into the
>>> processCommand: method of the tehme. I still think this should work, but
>>> it may not be the best way to resolve the issue. Greg, who is more
>>> familiar with that theme should know.
>>> Fred
>>> Am 19.10.2010 17:42, schrieb Doug Simons:
>>>> Hi Fred,
>>>> I apologize for letting this slide and not responding before. The
>>>> changes I made definitely resolved some specific problems that we
>>>> were seeing, but perhaps not solved in the best possible way. I
>>>> certainly understand your point about addressing any Windows-specific
>>>> issues in the backend or in the theme if possible. I just haven't had
>>>> time to revisit the issue to see if there is a way to do that. If you
>>>> have reverted my original fix then I will no doubt have to look into
>>>> it again soon! ;-)
>>>> I'll see if I can come up with a better solution this time. Working
>>>> with the Windows integration is a challenge, particularly the way
>>>> Windows has a habit of generating callbacks into our code while we're
>>>> in the middle of doing something else, which I believe was one of the
>>>> problems in this case.
>>>> Doug
>>>> On Oct 17, 2010, at 6:04 AM, Fred Kiefer wrote:
>>>>> I never got a reply on this mail. I will now undo this dubious
>>>>> change. If it was really required for the WinUX theme I hope that
>>>>> somebody will add a corresponding change into that theme. I really
>>>>> would have preferred to have some discussion on this subject.
>>>>> Fred
>>>>> Am 12.09.2010 20:49, schrieb Fred Kiefer:
>>>>>> Am 31.08.2010 01:02, schrieb Doug Simons:
>>>>>>> Author: dpsimons Date: Tue Aug 31 01:02:21 2010 New Revision:
>>>>>>> 31213
>>>>>>> URL: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/gnustep?rev=31213&view=rev 
>>>>>>> Log: fix problem of pulldown action not being called for
>>>>>>> correct cell, and being called twice on Windows
>>>>>>> Modified: libs/gui/trunk/ChangeLog 
>>>>>>> libs/gui/trunk/Source/NSMenuView.m 
>>>>>>> libs/gui/trunk/Source/NSPopUpButtonCell.m
>>>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>>> could you please explain the first part of this change? The code
>>>>>> itself looks to me horribly wrong but I am sure you had good
>>>>>> reasons for it. The change note says it was needed for Windows,
>>>>>> but I cannot find any special handling for this case in our
>>>>>> Windows backend. This leads me to the assumption that you needed
>>>>>> this change to get the WinUX theme working. If this is correct,
>>>>>> wouldn't it be better to fix the theme instead? Currently we have
>>>>>> the basic idea that themes don't change any behaviour they only
>>>>>> result in a different appearance. If this isn't true for the
>>>>>> WinUX theme, and there may be good reasons for that, eg for a 
>>>>>> better Windows integration, it is the obligation of the theme to
>>>>>> keep the results at least consistent. Most likely the
>>>>>> processCommand: method of that theme will need some tweaking to
>>>>>> work correctly in your case. Could you please look into this and
>>>>>> undo the change on gui?
>>>>>> Fred

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