David Chisnall wrote:

Looking in Foundation.h, I also noted that the contents of Foundation.h seems to be wrong - it should contain lines like:

#import "NSObject.h"

Instead, it contains lines like:

#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>

This means that it will always grab the header from the installed location unless someone has provided some compiler lines to rearrange include paths, when it should always be grabbing the header from the same directory as Foundation.h.

This is of course wrong. Source/Makefile.preamble contains the following

# Additional include directories the compiler should search
        -I../Headers/Additions \
        -I../Headers \

which ensures that the headers are grabbed from the source tree not from the installed location. The only issue is with headers that are removed from the source tree without updating Foundation.h, since the old header still may be present in the installed location (I don't know whether gnustep-make prunes the header directories upon make install. Nicola?)


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