On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 01:31:19PM +0000, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> I just want to remove the dependency on libxml2 ... I was under the 
> impression that the built-in parser worked for all valid XML.
> We want the built-in parser anyway, in order to parse apple property lists 
> because they contain escape characters which are rejected by libxml2 ... (the 
> builtin/sloppy parser accepts escapes as if they were legal).

Sounds reasonable.

> If you can produce a testcase demonstrating what's wrong/different I will try 
> to code a fix (and in the meantime you can easily revert to use libxml2 
> locally of course).

Okay. I'll put something together (I think I need to check back with my
MacOS machine for the actual behaviour of Apple's NSXMLParser). Two
problems I already could identify are the following: 

* Unless you call -_setAcceptHTML: with YES, any XML data without
  <?xml…?> prolog is rejected by the parser, although it's  perfectly
  well-formed (according to §2.8 of the XML spec).
* It generates a -parser:didStartElement:… call to the delegate for the
  doctype declaration, which it probably shouldn't because it only
  specfies the grammar to use for validating the XML.



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