Am 02.03.2011 01:14, schrieb Banlu Kemiyatorn:
> Initial works on porting GNUstep over Nokia N900
> Results? Threadmill runs like a charm, even faster than GTK+, scaling
> perfectly, DnD works as expected, even when superfluous mode is on.
> it's back-art, can't install cairo yet but I think I'll leave it alone
> for now and will get back to it with skia backend or coregraphics.
> I'm going to move on with nstask piper node.
> PS gnustep-tests on base keeps rebooting N900 around the headers so I
> gave up testing.
> Thanks,
> Banlu

Looks impressive! The error your are getting is caused by the X library
not containing a symbol we use for the drag and drop code (restricting
the displayed image via XShapeCombineMask). We need to add a test for
the Shape extensions for this.


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