On Mar 21, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Fred Kiefer wrote:

> On 20.03.2011 20:46, Denis Washington wrote:
>> I have seen that the GNU project has been accepted for this year's
>> Google Summer of Code, but the ideas list does not list anything related
>> to GNUstep. Does that mean that the GNUstep project will not mentor any
>> students?
> He is right, we already are rather late in the GSoC time line[1] and we 
> didn't even contact the GNU people [2] and told them that we want to 
> participate. I think Adam sorted that our last year. Maybe it still isn't to 
> late to apply with GNU? Anybody willing to contact them? Greg, Adam, Lars? I 
> may not be the best person for that this year, having stolen half the GNU 
> dinner reservation at FOSDEM :-)

Sorry, I though some one else was going to handle it.  I'm on vacation now so 
it would be hard for me.  But it should be relatively easy to find the GNU GSoC 
administrator on the GSoC site and contact them about it.

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