* Forgot not to modify the array during the enumeration.
* Remove the extra subviews to improve the lookup speed on additions.

why it's _sub_views and not _subviews?

- (void) setSubviews: (NSArray *)newSubviews
        NSEnumerator *en;
        NSView *aView;

        en = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:_subviews] objectEnumerator];
        while ((aView = [en nextObject]))
                if (NO == [newSubviews containsObject:aView])
                        [aView removeFromSuperview];

        NSMutableArray *uniqNew = [NSMutableArray array];
        en = [newSubviews objectEnumerator];
        while ((aView = [en nextObject]))
                id supersub = [aView superview];
                if (supersub != nil && supersub != self)
                        [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
                                    format:@"Superviews of new subviews must be 
either nil or receiver."];

                if ([uniqNew containsObject:aView])
                        [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
                                    format:@"Duplicated new subviews."];

                if (NO == [_subviews containsObject:aView])
                        [self addSubview:aView];

                [uniqNew addObject:aView];

        ASSIGN(_subviews, uniqNew);

    .----.     Banlu Kemiyatorn
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