Newer mobile screen are like 250 ~ 350 ppi these days so yes I want
bigger buttons by default. It's useless vs happiness so scaling by
resolution got more priority.

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald
<> wrote:
> On 3 May 2011, at 17:01, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
>> Hi,
>> fixing the images is incorrect I think. 96DPI and 72DPI are both 
>> "acceptable" values for screen displays. There is actually no real standard 
>> and screens have a varying resolution. Thus 72 and 96 DPIs are just custom 
>> values.
>> Traditionally, Mac saved images with no "explicit" resolution as 72dpi and 
>> windows tends to use 96dpi.
>> I think your patch is wrong in concept: no developer would expect their 
>> button or any other gui element to be resized according to the display 
>> resolution. A pixel is a pixel in that case.
> I haven't really been following this, and I'm not sure what is actually being 
> said above but I'll say what I expect:
> If I change the resolution of my display to make it higher resolution, I 
> expect to see windows, buttons, images etc get smaller ... ie I expect them 
> to work in pixels.
> Interestingly, I don't really expect text to work the same way ... you 
> generally specify the point size of your text and expect it to appear with 
> the specified point size irrespective of the display resolution (though I 
> wouldn't say I 'expect' that behavior, because I know plenty of systems don't 
> really support setting text size properly).
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