On 5 May 2011, at 18:56, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried installing on cygwin. After successfully configuring make, I get the 
> following error:
> Riccardo Mottola@saruman /home/multix/modules/core/make
> $ make install
> make: *** /home/Riccardo: Is a directory.  Stop.
> I configured with the following options
>  $ ./configure --with-layout=gnustep --prefix=/
> The windows user name uses the name+surname apparently. I built in a 
> directory without spaces an install into /, however probably the script is 
> trying to create /home/Riccardo Mottola  without proper quoting or escaping.
> I don't believe this is a specific cygwin problem, it is just that under 
> windows usernames with spaces are more common.

Usernames with spaces are illegal on most (all?) unix based systems... so that 
would make them a lot ore common on windows :-)

You need to set up your environment so that your home directory doesn't contain 

The alternative is to go through gnustep-make rewriting everything to handle 
paths/filenames with spaces, and possibly then go through all makefiles 
everywhere doing the same.

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