On 7 Mar 2013, at 14:52, Quentin Mathé wrote:

> I don't understand why setDelegate_reload.m isn't built.

Try looking at the log file (shouuld be tests.log) in which the error messages 
should tell you.

> I tried to cd into gui/NSSavePanel/ and type 'make' here, but it then 
> complains about not being able to find Testing.h. 
> I tried the same in the NSBezierPath directory directory, and I got a similar 
> error about ObjectTesting.h missing.
> Is my approach correct to build a single test directory? I looked for some 
> documentation about the TestFramework, but I couldn't find any in GNUstep 
> Make… May be I looked at the wrong place.

You certainly must have looked in the wrong place ... you need to look in the 
TestFramework subdirectory for documentation on it (and examples).
In any case, doing 'gnustep-tests --help' should have told you that you can 
also do 'gnustep-tests --documentation'
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