On 03/15/2013 10:38 AM, Chan Maxthon wrote:
You should check the one used in iOS 6.1 as shipped with Xcode 4.6. It is 
actually free on Mac App Store.

Okay, I've updated my Xcode to the newest version and even in iOS 6.1 files I still see distinct codepath for ObjC dispatch and standard CF handling.

So CF is not implemented on top of Foundation.

To sum things up, this is what I will do now:

1) After clearing things up, no changes to current const string struct are needed. CF calls should be (and actually are) dispatched to the ObjC class whenever isa != NSCFString.

2) I will implement missing NSCF* classes. I may occasionally ask for help, because for example in NSNumber's case it is not absolutely clear which methods need to be implemented in subclasses.

3) I will add missing dispatch calls into CF functions.

4) I may add missing CF types.
BTW, did you see how Apple implemented CFPropertyList? Did they really implement yet another XML parser in their code or am I too tired already?

Luboš Doležel

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