On Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:35:08 +0200, Fred Kiefer wrote:
RELEASE()ing it here would close the window immediately, and not keeping
the reference somewhere would leak it.

If I'm missing something and it can be done differently, please let me know.

Thank you for sending the patch. But even with that I still don't see
the point of using an NSWindowsController here. Did you look at the code for showWindow:? It is more or less just a simple call to orderFront:, which could be used here directly. A panel that retains its own windows
controller looks wrong to me. Maybe the actual NSSavePanel should be
created by an NSWindowsController, but in that case, the controller
would retain the window, not the other way around.

Aah, great, it works, but makeKeyAndOrderFront: does what the user would more likely expect - an focused popup window. Can I use that?

And what do you think of my other suggestion, which of course will
require changes to the sheet code in NSApplication?

First, I'll look around a bit more :-)

BTW, GNUstep's build system is driving me crazy. I do ./configure --prefix=/usr (as ./configure --help advises) and it still installs into /usr/local.

Luboš Doležel

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