On 2013-08-15 01:31:26 -0600 Wolfgang Lux <wolfgang....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Germán Arias wrote:
>> In _windowWillClose: at NSApplication, why not use
>> GSAllWindows() instead GSOrderedWindows()?. This
>> make more sense.
> You cannot simply replace GSOrderedWindows by GSAllWindows (incidentally, I 
> think you should use [self windows] instead of GSAllWindows). The purpose of 
> method _windowWillClose: is to detect when the last window of the application 
> was closed, but you certainly do not want to take invisible windows (e.g., 
> panels that have been ordered out by the application) into account when 
> testing whether the last application window was closed. So a more complex 
> logic will be required here.
> Wolfgang

I see the problem now.


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