On 09.12.2013 23:00, Fred Kiefer wrote:
> At the moment I am myself testing the current
> GNUstep code on OpenSuse 13.1. There the copy/paste mechanism seems to
> be broken. When calling copy from the menu I get the following stack dump:
> Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe.
> 0x00007ffff4ac1b00 in __write_nocancel () at
> ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
> 81      ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
> gefunden.
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x00007ffff4ac1b00 in __write_nocancel () at
> ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:81
> #1  0x00007ffff7135cab in -[GSMessageHandle
> receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode:] (
>     self=0xd8e4a0, _cmd=0x7ffff75c9570 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+304>,
> data=0x9, type=ET_WDESC,
>     extra=<optimized out>, mode=<optimized out>) at NSMessagePort.m:951
> #2  0x00007ffff717d3a1 in -[GSRunLoopCtxt pollUntil:within:]
> (self=<optimized out>,
>     _cmd=0x7ffff755b500 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1184>,
> milliseconds=<optimized out>,
>     contexts=<optimized out>) at GSRunLoopCtxt.m:601
> #3  0x00007ffff70bfab8 in -[NSRunLoop acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:]
> (self=0x8271f0,
>     _cmd=0x7ffff755b540 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1248>, mode=0x7195e0,
>     limit_date=<optimized out>) at NSRunLoop.m:1207
> #4  0x00007ffff70be8dc in -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] (self=0x8271f0,
>     _cmd=0x7ffff759ace0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+320>, mode=0x7195e0,
> date=0x835930)
>     at NSRunLoop.m:1275
> #5  0x00007ffff7134461 in -[GSMessageHandle sendMessage:beforeDate:]
> (self=0xd8e4a0,
>     _cmd=0x7ffff759b140 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1440>,
> components=0xd114b0, when=0x835930)
>     at NSMessagePort.m:1034
> #6  0x00007ffff70073ce in -[NSConnection(Private) _sendOutRmc:type:]
> (self=0xd8d8c0,
>     _cmd=0x7ffff7501cf0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1552>, c=0xbdec70, msgid=0)
>     at NSConnection.m:3435
> #7  0x00007ffff7000ad6 in -[NSConnection(GNUstepExtensions)
> forwardInvocation:forProxy:] (
>     self=0xd8d8c0, _cmd=0x7ffff750fea0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+608>,
> inv=0x82e830,
> ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
>     object=0xd8d660) at NSConnection.m:2049
> #8  0x00007ffff71447c3 in GSFFIInvocationCallback (cif=0xd3a8d0,
> retp=0x7fffffffc590,
>     args=<optimized out>, user=0xdc6cc0) at GSFFIInvocation.m:629
> #9  0x00007ffff50f6ae5 in ffi_closure_unix64_inner () from
> /usr/lib64/libffi.so.4
> #10 0x00007ffff50f6e40 in ffi_closure_unix64 () from /usr/lib64/libffi.so.4
> #11 0x00007ffff79c7cff in -[NSPasteboard setData:forType:]
> (self=self@entry=0xa08650,
>     _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff7d5b6f0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+6480>,
> data=0xdc8a60,
>     dataType=dataType@entry=0x7ffff7d96640 <_OBJC_INSTANCE_159>) at
> NSPasteboard.m:1548
> #12 0x00007ffff7915e8d in -[NSTextView(leftovers)
> writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:] (
>     self=0xdc27b0, _cmd=<optimized out>, pboard=0xa08650,
> types=<optimized out>)
>     at NSTextView.m:5154
> #13 0x00007ffff77ceb32 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]
> (self=self@entry=0x7ab590,
>     _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff7ce96a0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+2720>,
>     aSelector=aSelector@entry=0x7ffff7d5a2e0
> <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1344>, aTarget=0x0,
>     sender=sender@entry=0xc0ce00) at NSApplication.m:2230
> #14 0x00007ffff7884464 in -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:]
> (self=0xc0c950,
>     _cmd=<optimized out>, index=<optimized out>) at NSMenu.m:1323

Some more input on this error. When I switch of the specific signal with
the gdb command "handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint pass" I get this error

2013-12-11 23:30:50.026 Ink[26618] write attempt failed - Broken pipe
2013-12-11 23:30:50.027 Ink[26618] No handle for event rport on descriptor 9

Breakpoint 1, -[NSException raise] (self=0xcc9320,
    _cmd=0x7ffff7514cc0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+384>) at NSException.m:960
960     {
(gdb) bt
#0  -[NSException raise] (self=0xcc9320, _cmd=0x7ffff7514cc0
    at NSException.m:960
#1  0x00007ffff70367c6 in +[NSException raise:format:] (
    self=0x7ffff7514f80 <_OBJC_Class_NSException>, _cmd=<optimized out>,
    name=0x7ffff754a3a0 <_OBJC_INSTANCE_4>, format=0x7ffff74ffaa0
    at NSException.m:840
#2  0x00007ffff7007721 in -[NSConnection(Private) _sendOutRmc:type:]
    _cmd=0x7ffff7501cf0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1552>, c=0xbe9480, msgid=0)
    at NSConnection.m:3465
#3  0x00007ffff7000b36 in -[NSConnection(GNUstepExtensions)
forwardInvocation:forProxy:] (
    self=0x9f94e0, _cmd=0x7ffff750fea0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+608>,
    object=0xcc1120) at NSConnection.m:2049
#4  0x00007ffff7144883 in GSFFIInvocationCallback (cif=0xdb95d0,
    args=<optimized out>, user=0xc47770) at GSFFIInvocation.m:629
#5  0x00007ffff50f6ae5 in ffi_closure_unix64_inner () from
#6  0x00007ffff50f6e40 in ffi_closure_unix64 () from /usr/lib64/libffi.so.4
#7  0x00007ffff79c7d6f in -[NSPasteboard setData:forType:]
    _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff7d5b6f0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+6480>,
    dataType=dataType@entry=0x7ffff7d96640 <_OBJC_INSTANCE_159>) at
#8  0x00007ffff7915efd in -[NSTextView(leftovers)
writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:] (
    self=0xc0f900, _cmd=<optimized out>, pboard=0xa219c0,
types=<optimized out>)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at NSTextView.m:5154
#9  0x00007ffff77ceb32 in -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:]
    _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff7ce96a0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+2720>,
<_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1344>, aTarget=0x0,
    sender=sender@entry=0xc0d030) at NSApplication.m:2230
#10 0x00007ffff7884464 in -[NSMenu performActionForItemAtIndex:]
    _cmd=<optimized out>, index=<optimized out>) at NSMenu.m:1323

(gdb) po self
<NSException: 0xcc9320> NAME:NSPortTimeoutException REASON:method
request - port was invalidated

Next I started gpbs in gdb and ran it with the --no-fork --verbose
options. I first got a working copy operation when just selecting text,
but when using copy from the menu I did get a segmentation fault:

rogram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
-[XPbOwner xSelectionRequest:] (self=<optimized out>, _cmd=<optimized
out>, xEvent=0x2d6)
    at xpbs.m:1125
1125      notify_event.time       = xEvent->time;
(gdb) bt
#0  -[XPbOwner xSelectionRequest:] (self=<optimized out>,
_cmd=<optimized out>,
    xEvent=0x2d6) at xpbs.m:1125
#1  0x000000000040837d in +[XPbOwner receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode:] (
    self=0x612060 <_OBJC_Class_XPbOwner>, _cmd=<optimized out>,
data=<optimized out>,
    type=<optimized out>, extra=<optimized out>, mode=<optimized out>)
at xpbs.m:376
#2  0x00007ffff57ea2ca in -[GSRunLoopCtxt pollUntil:within:]
(self=<optimized out>,
    _cmd=0x7ffff5bc8500 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1184>,
milliseconds=<optimized out>,
    contexts=<optimized out>) at GSRunLoopCtxt.m:642
#3  0x00007ffff572cb18 in -[NSRunLoop acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:]
    _cmd=0x7ffff5bc8540 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1248>, mode=0x727e50,
    limit_date=<optimized out>) at NSRunLoop.m:1207
#4  0x00007ffff572b93c in -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] (self=0x871050,
    _cmd=0x7ffff5c07d00 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+320>, mode=0x727e50,
    at NSRunLoop.m:1275
#5  0x00007ffff57a1521 in -[GSMessageHandle sendMessage:beforeDate:]
    _cmd=0x7ffff5c08160 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1440>,
components=0x8ce340, when=0x8d53c0)
    at NSMessagePort.m:1034
#6  0x00007ffff567442e in -[NSConnection(Private) _sendOutRmc:type:]
    _cmd=0x7ffff5b6ecf0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1552>, c=0x8d42c0, msgid=0)
    at NSConnection.m:3435
#7  0x00007ffff566db36 in -[NSConnection(GNUstepExtensions)

(gdb) p xEvent
$1 = (XSelectionRequestEvent *) 0x2d6
(gdb) p *xEvent
Cannot access memory at address 0x2d6

I really don't have a clue what is going on here. Anybody out there with
more insight?


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