On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 7:59 AM, Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Am 04.01.2014 um 00:17 schrieb Jamie Ramone <sancom...@gmail.com>:
> Well $hit! I ran on a VM with Ubuntu 13.10...same problem:
> Starting program: /SystemApps/Gorm.app/Gorm
> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
> Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
> 2014-01-03 20:09:11.042 Gorm[6849] QueryTree window is 25186477 (root 373
> cwin root 373)
> 2014-01-03 20:09:11.102 Gorm[6849] QueryTree window is 25186476 (root 373
> cwin root 373)
> 2014-01-03 20:09:11.573 Gorm[6849] QueryTree window is 25186511 (root 373
> cwin root 373)
> 2014-01-03 20:09:11.574 Gorm[6849] QueryTree window is 25186510 (root 373
> cwin root 373)
> Could you please explain where these messages come from? Are you using
> unaltered GNUstep code, or if you have changes would you mind telling us
> about them? This looks a bit like the debugging code I used in the backend
> to track down the other Gorm bug, which actually turned out to be a Gorm
> bug.
> If you want to see more information on what is happening inside of the
> running Gorm application start it with parameters such as
> "--GNU-Debug=dflt",  "--GNU-Debug=NSEvent" or  "--GNU-Debug=NSDragging"
> (typed from memory, better check the correct names in the source code).

To my knowledge, it's unaltered. I didn't touch any line of Gorm's code,
just downloaded and compiled it. OK, I'll try those.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0x0, _cmd=<optimized out>,
> theEvent=0x1080810) at NSWindow.m:4409
> 4409    NSWindow.m: No such file or directory.
> Again you seem to have deleted the source code. Why do you keep on doing
> this.

Aw crap, it's still popping up! Actually, I didn't. I left the GNUstep code
as it was after installing it in the VM, which makes this line even more

(gdb) bt
> #0  -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0x0, _cmd=<optimized out>,
> theEvent=0x1080810) at NSWindow.m:4409
As I already wrote, nil as self is only possible if something in the method
> sets this explicitly or due to a compiler bug, which is not very likely.
> Which complier and runtime are you using here?
The GNU runtime. I checked that line, there's a macro there and seems
harmless. if self's nil at that point it's being changed somewhere in that
method, but before the macro is expanded. I'll have to keep digging.

> #1  0x00007ffff71ea46e in -[GSDragView(Private) _handleDrag:slidePoint:]
> (self=0xb4aa70, _cmd=<optimized out>, theEvent=0x1052960,
>     slidePoint=...) at GSDragView.m:720
> #2  0x00007ffff71e88e3 in -[GSDragView
> dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:] (self=0xb4aa70,
>     _cmd=<optimized out>, anImage=0x8866a0, screenLocation=...,
> initialOffset=..., event=0xab2760, pboard=<optimized out>,
>     sourceObject=0xd536c0, slideFlag=1 '\001') at GSDragView.m:290
> #3  0x00007ffff2208769 in -[XGDragView
> dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:] 
> (self=self@entry=0xb4aa70,
>     _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff75f0fb0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+7952>,
> anImage=anImage@entry=0x8866a0, screenLocation=...,
>     initialOffset=..., event=event@entry=0xab2760, 
> pboard=pboard@entry=0x10d12d0,
> sourceObject=sourceObject@entry=0xd536c0,
>     slideFlag=slideFlag@entry=1 '\001') at XGDragView.m:228
> #4  0x00007ffff71bfc36 in -[NSWindow
> dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:] 
> (self=self@entry=0xad8630,
>     _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff75e6730 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+5168>,
> anImage=anImage@entry=0x8866a0, baseLocation=...,
>     initialOffset=..., event=event@entry=0xab2760, 
> pboard=pboard@entry=0x10d12d0,
> sourceObject=sourceObject@entry=0xd536c0,
>     slideFlag=slideFlag@entry=1 '\001') at NSWindow.m:4674
> #5  0x00007ffff71a9464 in -[NSView
> dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:] 
> (self=self@entry=0xd536c0,
>     _cmd=_cmd@entry=0x7ffff7da5ff0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+3120>,
> anImage=0x8866a0, viewLocation=..., initialOffset=...,
>     event=event@entry=0xab2760, pboard=pboard@entry=0x10d12d0,
> sourceObject=sourceObject@entry=0xd536c0,
>     slideFlag=slideFlag@entry=1 '\001') at NSView.m:3860
> #6  0x00007ffff7b291d4 in -[GormObjectEditor mouseDown:] (self=0xd536c0,
> _cmd=<optimized out>, theEvent=0xab2760)
>     at GormObjectEditor.m:481
> #7  0x00007ffff71c93d0 in -[NSWindow sendEvent:] (self=0xad8630,
> _cmd=<optimized out>, theEvent=0xab2760) at NSWindow.m:3896
> #8  0x00007ffff704c6f3 in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x87e2f0,
> _cmd=<optimized out>) at NSApplication.m:1562
> #9  0x00007ffff702cfe5 in NSApplicationMain (argc=<optimized out>,
> argv=<optimized out>) at Functions.m:91
> #10 0x00007ffff5ed5de5 in __libc_start_main (main=0x4019c0 <main>, argc=1,
> ubp_av=0x7fffffffdc78, init=<optimized out>,
>     fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>,
> stack_end=0x7fffffffdc68) at libc-start.c:260
> #11 0x0000000000401a05 in _start ()
> At least it's now showing the NSWindow.m info. I'll see if I can dig up
> anything else.
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 1:36 AM, Jamie Ramone <sancom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, I'll have to wait for 14 to come out then. I can live with that I
>> guess. In any case I'll give it a go on a VM with 13.10 (wish me luck).As
>> for GWorkspace I never use it's desktop. It interferes with everything
>> else. And no, it doesn't work on both as I stated earlier.
>> On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Riccardo Mottola <r...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Jamie Ramone wrote:
>>>> OK, got it, I'll try that now (between windows, not sure how to do the
>>>> "between applications" yet). Just a heads up: I did eventually, er,
>>>> "erase"
>>>> the folders by selecting them and dragging them to the Recycler's
>>>> pseudo-appicon and it worked without a hitch. Since Recycler.app is
>>>> another
>>>> app I guess that would count.
>>>>  Depends if you are using the recycler in the desktop+dock, or if you
>>> are using the separate recycler app. They should, of course, work both.
>>> Riccardo
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