Hallo Wolfgang,
Wolfgang Lux wrote:
I finally got around to upgrade my GNUstep tree and was able to reproduce your
Looking at the code, then, the problem is fairly obvious: When you click the
pause button for the first time, the paused flag is set to YES and once the
FileExecutorObject notices that the flag is set it exits the loop in
do{Move,Copy,Link,Remove,Duplicate,Trash}. This also means that the secondary
thread that was started to perform the operation in the FileOpExecutor
+setPorts: will terminate and the executor object will be released and probably
the connection to that object is closed as well. So it looks like the executor
attribute in the FileOpInfo class is no longer connected to a valid object that
could resume the file operation when you click the pause button again.
where do you think the thread is "closed"? I suppose when "endOperation"
gets called.
I understand it happens in "done" and "dealloc", but that path is taken
only when the taks ends or stop is hit (in doCopy and doMove... why the
other differ I'll check later on):
if (([files count] == 0) || stopped)
[self done];
if stopped or paused are set as flags, the while loop gets a break, but
"done" is called only on a proper quit/task completion.
Thus I understand that if "pause" is hit, the loop ends, the executor
should stay around.
This makes the whole "stop" a bit quirky, but that is different.
if what's your understanding of termination instead?
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