Hi all,

I have an application that uses an NSTableView to display a CPU trace.  After 
about 10,000,000 rows, it’s quite obvious that something is wrong with the 
rendering - about every 15 rows, there’s a blank line between adjacent rows.  
By around 15,000,000 it looks as if there’s a blank line between every other 
line, and some rows are drawn on top of each other.

By row 100,000,000, every row in a group (height *1.5ish?) is drawn on top of 
each other one.

It looks as if there is some floating point rounding happening that’s causing 
the offset calculation to go wrong?


P.S. On OS X, the display does not have these problems, though OS X’s 
NSTableView gets very confused by input events when you scroll beyond about row 

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