
Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
It sounds like you are probably talking about filesystem locks (inter-process) 
rather than processor (inter-thread) locks.
NSUserDefaults uses NSDistributedLock to ensure that only one process updates 
the persistent defaults at a time, so you could try looking there.
If I'm to look into it under debug, I really do need at least a way to 
reproduce the problem though.

these errors are getting very frequent, I know that Gregory is seen them very often.

While debugging and enhancing GWorkspace these days, I quit and restarted it very often and I got lock problems a frequent amount of time. It usually was one of the spawned daemons (e.g. fswatcher), Recycler or even GWorkspace itself.

It can however also happen when opening and closing one application itself, e.g. ProjectCenter.
I am pretty sure Gregory was seeing it too with PC yesterday.
It does not occour everytime of course and this makes it difficult.

Today i got an error and exception (coudln't copy the error because everything crashed when I tried to copy the string)
"cannot remove the lock file because the lock file does not exist."

This looks like a lock cleanung up the lock file, it is removed and gives an error. It was the only GS application I started.

This happens on Windows, Linux, NetBSD...


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