I assumed so :)

If it doesn't result in complications ("hey, the libs/blah/trunk/ folder
went away before revision 33339, i'll stop the import here" -- although I
don't seriously expect git-svn to pull a stunt like that), I'm all for it :)

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Gregory Casamento <greg.casame...@gmail.com>

> Ivan,
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Ivan Vučica <i...@vucica.net> wrote:
>> I think standardization of the layout itself is going to improve things.
>> I don't know if it's going to actually ease the transition, as conversion
>> supports both layouts. :)
> I have a
> ​terrible ​
> habit of writing scripts to automate big tasks like this.   I said that
> because it will make any script I write have no special cases.
> ​ ​
> ​
> Fewer special cases... simpler scripts. :)   I'd rather not have to do an
> if someplace to determine if I need to pass --stdlayout to git-svn or not.
> GC​
> --
> Gregory Casamento
> GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant
> http://www.gnustep.org - http://heronsperch.blogspot.com
> http://ind.ie/phoenix/
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