On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 10:58 CEST, Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de> wrote: 
> Hi Riccardo,
> I tried to inspect this issue, but already failed in getting FTP.app to work 
> against ftpmain.gnustep.org. Are there any ftp sites out there where you know 
> the code is working correctly.

I guess you may be behind a NAT or have a local firewall? can you check that 
you have in the settings, tell it to use PASV.

Maybe Riccardo, that could/should be made default method?


> Next I looked at the code and failed to see the point where a background 
> thread for the file download gets started. There is only one reference to 
> NSThread in the code and this is at the startup. No idea what this code is 
> doing there.

> In AppController setTransferProgress: you are most likely referring to the 
> line
> [progBar setDoubleValue:percent];
> This should indeed update the progress bar the next time GNUstep redraws the 
> window. And even if you don't use a background thread the NSRunloop trick 
> should be enough to trigger this. Without being able to get this working it 
> is hard to say anything more. What you could try to find out is whether the 
> drawRect: method of the progress indicator gets called at all. It could be 
> that it is in a state where it just doesn't draw anything.
> Fred
> On the road
> Am 04.07.2016 um 11:47 schrieb Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have FTP - written quite a while ago.
> > Easy access here:
> > 
> > https://github.com/gnustep/gap/tree/master/user-apps/FTP
> > 
> > The implementation - hopefully correct - is the following: the download 
> > happens in a separate thread inside ftpclient.m which communicates back the 
> > progress (advancement of the file being transferred).
> > 
> > The "progress" is shown with a ProgressBar and some text fields, quite 
> > simple.
> > 
> > On Mac, everything works like a charme! The progress bar is smooth and I 
> > see the bytes and transfer speed!
> > On GNUstep not: it is set at the beginning, then no updates until the end.
> > 
> > The critical method is:
> > 
> > - (oneway void)setTransferProgress:(NSNumber *)bytesTransferred
> > 
> > I added "oneway" yesterday - with no change in functionality if not a quite 
> > good gain of speed on Mac: the worker thread doesn't block while actually 
> > "updating" the GUI.
> > 
> > why do I have this issues on GNUstep? Any special care or tricks?
> > Maybe I need to set the certain views to display or needs display on GS?
> > 
> > I already have this old trick:
> > [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate distantPast]];
> > 
> > It shouldn't be needed with two threads I think.. and with or without no 
> > effect.
> > 
> > Riccardo
> > 
> > 
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