
in GWorkspace, there is a simple selector for the desktop image. I noticed that it doesn't show an image I recently got off my iPhone, a simple JPEG. Wondering, I started debugging.

The code does the following:

  result = [openPanel runModalForDirectory: imagesDir
                                      file: nil
                                     types: [NSImage imageFileTypes]];

which is perfectly reasonable, isn't it?

I printed out the file types:

NSimage filetypes: (tiff, tif, pnm, ppm, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, icns)

I think the issue is that my file is .JPG and not .jpg

Should the open panel become case-insensitive regarding extensions? I think yes, if possible. Else, all filetypes could be lower and upper case, but that would leave out mixed-cases...

What's your opinion?


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