I posted a GDB bug report 

The problem is not limited to Windows.

GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-80.el7
(gdb) p "foo"
$1 = <error reading variable>    # this is ridiculous
(gdb) p @"foo"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

This is a serious issue. I wish some of you would also contact the GDB 
developers and help get this issue looked at.

GNU gdb 6.8 i686-pc-mingw32 .................... does not have the bug
GNU gdb 7.3.1 mingw32 .......................... does not have the bug
GNU gdb 7.6.1-80.el7 x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu ... has the bug
GNU gdb 7.11.1 i686-w64-mingw32 ................ has the bug
GNU gdb 7.11.1 x86_64-w64-mingw32 .............. has the bug


In older versions of GDB where this worked, when you type p @"foo" in gdb, you 
(gdb) p @"foo"
$2 = (class NSString *) 0x1e72198
(gdb) po $2
(gdb) po [$2 class]

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