On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Stefan Bidigaray <stefanb...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ivan,
> I would assume, as a minimum, the soname cannot change. GNUstep does have
> a habit of incrementing the soname with MINOR release number bumps, even if
> the ABI remains unchanged.
> For example, Debian's current version of GNUstep base in testing is
> 1.24.9, and the package name is libgnustep-base1.24. If a new, 1.25
> release, is pushed out, the new package name would be libgnustep-base1.25,
> and likely not accepted.

Actually, the latest bump of -gui (to 0.25, the first release I was
cutting) was actually pushed due to issues while doing Debian packaging.
Eric *requested* that we bump the soname.

While searching for how to reply to this, I actually found Eric's off-list
email, where he was running dpkg-gensymbols to generate this information.

However, at this point, I am not sure how to go about running this type of
thing myself. I could probably investigate, but short instructions or a
pointer to useful documentation would be very time-saving.

Preferably, I would be able to avoid doing a full binary package build, of
course :)

Rubber duck <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging> tells me
I could use 'nm' or 'readelf' or 'objdump', and then diff the output, but
dpkg-gensymbols and its ilk might be doing much more.
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