Hash: SHA512

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On April 10, 2017 7:57:22 PM GMT+01:00, "Ivan Vučica" <i...@vucica.net> wrote:
>This is version 0.25.1 of the GNUstep GUI library ('gnustep-gui').
>1.1 What is the GNUstep GUI Library?
>It is a library of graphical user interface classes written completely
>in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon Apple's Cocoa
>framework.  The library has been enhanced in a number of ways to take
>advantage of the GNU system.  These classes include graphical objects
>such as buttons, text fields, popup lists, browser lists, and windows;
>there are also many associated classes for handling events, colors,
>fonts, pasteboards and images.
>   The GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts.  The first part is
>the front-end component which is independent of platform and display
>system.  This front-end is combined with a back-end component which
>handles all of the display system dependent such as specific calls to
>X/Windows.  This design allows the GNUstep applications to have the
>"look and feel" of the underlying display system without any changes to
>the application, and the library can be easily ported to other display
>   The GNUstep GUI Library requires the GNU Objective-C compiler, the
>GNUstep Base Library, the TIFF Graphics library, Independent JPEG
>Group's libjpeg library, and a back-end component from the GNUstep
>'Back' library.
>   Additional functionality may be enabled by installing additional
>libraries.  For example, to build the Cairo backend in the GNUstep Back
>library, you will need to install Cairo.
>1.2 Noteworthy changes in version '0.25.1'
>   * JPEG (saving) alpha channel fixes and size with resolution != 72
>   * JPEG resolution read support
>   * TIFF saving fixes
>   * Improved volumes mounting and support
>   * Portability improvements in volume mounting and support
>   * Corrected layout of empty strings
>   * Only update visible menus
>1.3 Where can you get it? How can you compile it?
>The gnustep-gui-0.25.1.tar.gz distribution file has been placed at
>   It is accompanied by gnustep-back-{No value for
>'GNUSTEP-BACK-VERSION'}.tar.gz.sig, a PGP signature which you can
>validate by putting both files in the same directory and using:
>     gpg --verify gnustep-gui-0.25.1.tar.gz.sig
>   Signature has been created using the key with the following
>     83AA E47C E829 A414 6EF8  3420 CA86 8D4C 9914 9679
>   Read the INSTALL file or the GNUstep-HOWTO for installation
>1.4 Where do I send bug reports?
>Please log bug reports on the GNUstep project page
><http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=gnustep> or send bug reports to
>1.5 Obtaining GNU Software
>Check out the GNUstep web site.  (<http://www.gnustep.org/>), and the
>GNU web site.  (<http://www.gnu.org/>)
>This is version 0.25.1 of the GNUstep GUI Backend ('gnustep-back').
>1.1 What is the GNUstep GUI Backend?
>It is a back-end component for the GNUstep GUI Library.  The
>implementation of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts.
>first part is the front-end component which is independent of platform
>and display system.  This front-end is combined with a back-end
>component which handles all of the display system dependent such as
>specific calls to the X Window System.  This design allows the GNUstep
>applications to have the "look and feel" of the underlying display
>system without any changes to the application, and the library can be
>easily ported to other display systems.
>  The GNUstep GUI Backend is for platforms using the X-Window System or
>Window's Systems.  It works via a DPS emulation engine to emulate the
>DPS functions required by the front-end system.
>1.2 Noteworthy changes in version '0.25.1'
>Small fixes and cleanups.
>1.3 Where can you get it? How can you compile it?
>The gnustep-back-0.25.1.tar.gz distribution file has been placed at
>   It is accompanied by gnustep-back-0.25.1.tar.gz.sig, a PGP signature
>which you can validate by putting both files in the same directory and
>     gpg --verify gnustep-back-0.25.1.tar.gz.sig
>   Signature has been created using the key with the following
>     83AA E47C E829 A414 6EF8  3420 CA86 8D4C 9914 9679
>   Read the INSTALL file or the GNUstep-HOWTO for installation
>1.4 Where do I send bug reports?
>Bug reports can be sent to the GNUstep bug list <bug-gnus...@gnu.org>
>1.5 Obtaining GNU Software
>Check out the GNUstep web site.  (<http://www.gnustep.org/>) and the
>web site.  (<http://www.gnu.org/>)
>MD5 sums
>     310880099a4d4c99be13a25c151b53e7  gnustep-back-0.25.1.tar.gz
>     578e46178472077d8dc0853802f1fbbf  gnustep-gui-0.25.1.tar.gz
>SHA256 sums
>     ea563b7d6e4bd8b13856306c94bfe06b0909b71e62ab70dccf1c208f4889e2bf
>     3aacb277976014cfd4394084066187430100657dea234da91d9ae5015e747c66


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