Hi David,

it "should" be a simple thing to fix. I do not build Preferences.app anymore because, apart from the more NeXT vs. Mac look, has no real advantages over SystemPreferences. But I find it find to continue making it work, a makefile is should be easy to fix.

David Chisnall wrote:
--- Modules/Keyboard/GNUmakefile.orig   2002-02-12 04:49:55 UTC
+++ Modules/Keyboard/GNUmakefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
  BUNDLE_NAME=           Keyboard
  BUNDLE_EXTENSION=      .prefs

But now Keyboard.prefs isn’t installed.  Please could someone who understands 
GNUstep Make help?  This is currently blocking committing the updates to all of 
the GNUstep ports.

Does it get installed in the wrong place? Your patch makes sense to me, but is not what I would do.

Have you tried removing BUNDLE_INSTALL_DIR totally?

I am checking how a SystemPreference  module is build, look here:

you do have this in the makefile?
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/bundle.make

Then it should just install fine. Also forcing System versus Local is wrong: suppose you install Preferences.app into the Local domain, you expect modules to be in Local/Library/Bundles instead of System/Library/Bundles

I don't think it should install in "Library/Preferences"


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