Hi Fred,

On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Ivan,
> I think we are all on this list for this reason I reduced the recipients
> list.
> Of course cairo uses fontconfig when available. The problem Sergei and
> Riccardo are talking about really exists and it is caused by a known bug in
> the cairo handing of fixed fonts. That is the reason why terminal gets
> mentioned. There fixed fonts are still popular.
> The issue is cairo is reusing and scaling a fixed font even if there is a
> proper version available for the required size. The only workaround I see,
> beside fixing inside of cairo, is to not reuse fixed fonts. But this is to
> costly, rather we would need our own cache for these fonts, duplicating the
> cairo code.
> I could send you references of the relevant cairo and GNUstep code as soon
> as I am back home.
> Writing about .nfont packages used in ART backend I meant not only this.
For example, RobotoMono font looks quite weird without antialiasing
(hinting?), LiberationMono looks good. With .nfont package for RobotoMono
I've added "RenderHints_hack = 0x010203;" and after user copy this package
into it's ~/Library/Fonts directory everything works as font package
creator think should be better for user. Liberation Mono has no
"RenderHints_hack" at all. Everybody is happy.
If I want RobotoMono to be drawn antialiased at any size and other fonts
non-antialiased at size less then 12 I need to add configuration (system or
user) on font install.
Sure both ways has right to live but fontconfig way breaks NeXT/Apple style
of doing things that GNUstep follows to.
Did I miss something?

> Fred
> On the road
> Am 26.11.2017 um 12:26 schrieb Ivan Vučica <i...@vucica.net>:
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017, 09:50 Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it>
> wrote:
>> There are some facts I don't like and want to change:
>> * NEXTSPACE is based on quite outdated release of GNUstep (base 1.24.8,
>> gui and back 0.24.1);
>> * It is based on ART backend. I want to use Cairo backend but ART has
>> usefull features (.nfont packages provide ability to set hinting and
>> antialiasing options on per font basis).
>> I understand that! ART continues to be intriguing and it still works
>> after many years, it is fast, fotns look better and the possibility of
>> using non-antialiased fonts is just great. They look far better in
>> Terminal, Code-Editors and for my test also Menus.
> Doesn't Cairo use fontconfig?
> Or does something in the way GNUstep-back uses it make it ignore the
> fontconfig configuration?
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