
Meeting with Richard and Fred at FOSDEM was good.

If you have an opinion, please answer this: Do we want another meeting
later in 2018? Location to be determined.

If you believe that 'yes' is the answer, before answering 'yes', consider
also saying why; what concrete goals do you want to achieve? Some other
answers include 'no' and 'not in 2018, but yes in 20YY.'

What I would not be a fan of is planning a meeting 'just' to meet or
discuss 'what I want'. I think many things we have discussed in 2015 still
apply. And organizing meetings like this is complicated and possibly
expensive for the organizer, and *definitely* expensive for the attendees.

I'd myself find it more useful to have a multiday hackathon with specific
workgroups agreeing to specific goals and perhaps an overarching theme.
Maybe only a few talks and topics to actually discuss.
Gnustep-dev mailing list

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