Hi Yavor,

On 2018-03-16 21:49:13 +0100 Yavor Doganov <ya...@gnu.org> wrote:

> В Fri, 16 Mar 2018 14:57:53 +0100, Riccardo Mottola написа:
>> The crashes happen either when the pool is released in line 224 and
>> NSData or in the setter of one of the properties, as the first stack
>> or with a crash at line 181, which is still inside this method.
> You haven't posted a backtrace.  I assume you cannot reproduce?

no unfortunately not, I do not get this error on any of my machines. I have a 
couple of other GNUMail issues, but not this one.
I hope Sebastian can post some of the traces here in the ML
>> I Don't see at a glance a gross error in CWImapCacheManager -
> Hmm, this is perhaps the buggiest part of the library, or at least the
> most fragile.  I remember ~15 years ago Ludo was advising users to
> just delete the cache if something goes wrong.

Yes, it is delicate and very low-level code
> A shot in the dark, but maybe there are some type mismatches or broken
> pointer arithmetic (or both) here or in the io.c function definitions.
> I would suggest uncommenting these NSLog statements (or converting
> them permanently to the appropriate NSDebug*Log) to see what's going
> on.  Don't forget to adjust the specifiers for the expected types.

In the past two days I worked with Fred on code cleanup. I found some dubious 
casts and endianness swaps, but the new code is generally equivalent to the old 
code, just better readable. My hope is that it at least helps finding the bug 
better, it does no harm at my place and is even faster :)

> If the crashes occur on a 64-bit machine, it would probably help to
> verify if they are reproducible on 32-bit.

I forgot to ask that Sebastian. However since I cannot reproduce the issue 
myself, it is inconvenient. I do access my own mail account both from 32bit and 
64bit systems and it works.
However, it may be a specific mail message that causes issue (I have been 
working the past two months on a lot of internal parsing improvements, there is 
a lot of tricky code when parsing message headers like Sender and Subject). I 
literally went into my rich "trash" folder and "sent" folder and checked many 
messages to find strange parsing differences. Now GNUMail (thanks to pantomime) 
more reliably displays information from most standard mailers including 
nicknames, quotes, foreign characters as well as Cyrillic and Chinese names 
(this time Spam messages proved useful!!!)
Furthermore each mail server has its own specialities. All these fixes I 
attempted are the reason why I asked Sebastian for a test!


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