> Am 26.03.2018 um 10:35 schrieb Stjepan Brkić <stjepanbrk...@gmail.com>:
>> welcome to the GNUstep mailing list. I am you possible co-mentor if you get 
>> accepted to the GSoC. As the time to apply is already running out I don’t 
>> want to convince you of any specific task just choose what ever suits you 
>> best. 
> I already decided — I’d like to work on Core Animation and its integration 
> with AppKit. I think it suits my skillset best. Work on UIKit was also an 
> option, but given the fact that I never did any iOS development, AppKit seems 
> like a natural choice to me.

Great choice! That will allow us to bring the excellent work that Ivan has put 
into Core Animation into general use. Of course limited to the opal backend, 
but we will fix that up a bit and make it usable, right along with your work on 
Core Animation integration.

Ivan will already have explained to you that GNUstep gui has different drawing 
backend one of them is based on the Core Graphics reimplementation called opal. 
It is currently basically working but still has a lot of deficits.

>> s the places in the GSoC are limited it would be great if you could convince 
>> us that your participation will result in a positive contribution to 
>> GNUstep. For this it would be nice to learn a bit more about your previous 
>> programming experience. 
> Most of my code used to be Python 3. I fell in love with it and in ~4 years 
> of doing python, I did a bunch of smaller projects - most of which were of 
> personal use. An example would be a simple web app that periodically scraped  
> my local public bus timetables and provided info when was the next bus taking 
> off. But I guess Python isn’t really relevant for this project.
> In the last 3 years I gained substantial experience in C - mostly (but not 
> only) through my Computer Science, Algorithms, and OS university courses. I 
> wrote a couple of side projects, the last being a 3D rendering engine backed 
> by OpenGL.
> I also did a fair share of UI programming, but most of it was in GTK. I did 
> some rudimentary native OS X development, but a lot has changed in the 
> ecosystem since then.
> The last couple of weeks I spent tinkering and researching Cocoa internals. 
> It seems super interesting. I’m excited about some asprects of the CA 
> integration - CARenderer for example - as it apperas to have a fair share of 
> computer science packed in.

Oh yes, there is a lot of interesting stuff hidden is this little library and 
quite a few places where expansions are possible :-)

>> I understand that you are new to Objective-C but this language is easy to 
>> learn if you already know C and object oriented concepts. Just tell us a bit 
>> what coding you have done before 
> Exactly. I recently dived into Objective C more seriously, and I love it. I 
> covered all the basics and am now tinkering with some more complex parts of 
> the language, as well as exploring the Foundation framework.
>> and feel free to ask a lot of questions about GNUstep. 
> Thanks. I’ve been mostly harassing Ivan with a bunch of questions, but I 
> don’t doubt there will also be questions for the rest of the people involved 
> with the project :)

If you get accepted, Ivan will be your main mentor, but the whole list will be 
ready to help you with specific issues.

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