On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 1:41 PM, David Chisnall <gnus...@theravensnest.org>

> On 5 Apr 2018, at 17:27, Stefan Bidigaray <stefanb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi David,
> > I forgot to make a comment when you originally posted the idea, and I
> think this would be a great time to add my 2 cents.
> >
> > Regarding the structure:
> > * Would it not be better to add the flags bit field immediately after
> the isa pointer? My thought here is that it can be checked for if different
> versions of the structure exist. This is important for CoreBase since it
> does not have the luxury of real classes.
> I’m concerned with structure padding here.  Even on a 64-bit platform, we
> either need an 8-byte flags field (which is wasteful) or end up with 4
> bytes of padding.  With 128-bit pointers (which are probably coming sooner
> than you expect) we will end up with 12 bytes of padding if we have a
> 32-bit flags field followed by a pointer.

Well, I was hoping there is a way we can define this structure so that it
can be used directly in CoreBase, without having to call the toll-free
bridging mechanism. If a 32-bit hash is used, could it be combined with the
"flags" variable (see the structure I included at the end of this email)?
I'm hoping to be able to have use the same constant strings without having
to call the bridging mechanism. It's pretty slow and cumbersome.

By the way, I noticed there was not uint32_t flags in your original
structure, making it 24 bytes in 32-bit CPUs.

> * Would it be possible to make the hash variable a NSUInterger? The
> output of -hash is an NSUInterger, and that would allow the value to be
> expanded in the future.
> We can, though that would again increase the size quite noticeably.  I
> think I’m happy with a 32-bit hash, because as rfm points out with a decent
> hash algorithm that basically gives us unique hashes.

Sounds reasonable.

> > * Why have both count and length? Would it not make more sense to keep a
> single variable here called count and define it as, "The count/number of
> code units"? For ASCII and UTF-8 this would be # of bytes, and for UTF-16
> it would be the # of 16-bit codes. The Apple documentation states "The
> number of UTF-16 code units in the receiver", making at least the ASCII and
> UTF-16 numbers correct. The way I understand the current implementation,
> the value for length would return the UTF-32 # of characters, which is
> inconsistent with the docs.
> If a UTF-8 string contains multi-byte sequences, then the length of the
> buffer and the number if UTF-16 code units will be different.  If we know
> the number of bytes, then we can use more efficient C standard library
> functions for things like comparisons, though that may not be important.

I guess I'm still a bit confused about the meaning and/or different of the
variables count and length.

I know this is probably going to be rejected, but how about making constant
string either ASCII or UTF-16 only? Scratching UTF-8 altogether? I know
this would increase the byte count for most European languages using Latin
characters, but I don't see the point of maintaining both UTF-8 and UTF-16
encoding. Everything that can be done with UTF-16 can be encoded in UTF-8
(and vise-versa), so how would the compiler pick between the two?
Additionally, wouldn't sticking to just 1 of the 2 encoding simplify the
code significantly?

> * I would also think that it makes more sense to have the length/count
> variable before the data pointer. I don't have a strong opinion about this
> one, but it just makes more sense in my head.
> Again, this gives us more padding in the structure.

Would it? Isn't sizeof (long) == sizeof (void *) in all 32 and 64-bit
architectures (except WIN64)? I thought a long would not be padded any more
than a pointer for most applications.

> > Regarding the hash function:
> > Why are we using Murmur3 hash? I know it is significantly more efficient
> than our current one-at-a-time approach, but how much better is it to
> competing hash functions? Is there a bench mark out there comparing some of
> the major ones? For example, how does it compare with lookup3 or
> SpookyHash. If we are storing the hash in the string structure, the speed
> of calculating the hash is not as important as the spread. Additionally,
> Murmur3 seems ill suited if NSUInteger is used to store the hash value
> since, as far as I could tell, it only outputs 32-bit and 128-bit hashes.
> Lookup3 and SpookyHash, for example, output 64-bit values (2 32-bit words
> in the case of lookup3), as well.
> The size of the type doesn’t necessarily give us the range.  We are
> completely free to give only a 32-bit or even 28-bit range within an
> NSUInteger (which is what we do now) and if we have good coverage.  A good
> hash function has even distribution of entropy across all bits, so taking a
> 32-bit or 128-bit hash and truncating it is fine.  That said, I’m happy to
> make the hash value 8 bytes on 64-bit platforms if this seems like a good
> use of bits.
> I’m not wedded to the idea of Murmur3.  We do need to use the same hash
> for constant and non-constant strings, so execution speed is important.
> I’m somewhat tempted to suggest SHA256, because it’s fairly easy to
> accelerate with SSE and newer CPUs have full hardware offload for it.  That
> said, the goal is not to mandate the use of the compiler-generated hash for
> constant strings, it’s to provide a space to store one that the compiler
> initialises to something sensible.
> Given the analysis I’ve done in the reply to Ivan, I think it’s worth
> consuming space to improve performance.

I agree.

So how about a structure like:

struct {
        id isa; /* Class pointer */
        uint64_t flags;
        /* Flags bitfield:
           Low 2 bits, enum with values:
           0: ASCII string
           1: UTF-16 string
           2 and 3: Reserved for future encodings
           (1<<2) to (1<<3): 0 for one-at-a-time; 1 for murmur hash; 2 and
3 reserved for future hashes
           (1<<4) to (1<<15): Reserved for future compiler-defined flags
           (1<<16) to (1<<31): Reserved for use by the constant string
class (I'm hoping this could hold the CFTypeID of a constant string so it
can be identified by corebase)
           (1<<32) to (1<<63): hash
        const char *data; /* Pointer to the buffer.  ro_data section, so
immutable.  NULL-terminated */
        long count;  /* Number of UTF-16 code units, not including the null
terminator */

It's 20 bytes on 32-bit CPUs and 36 bytes on 64-bit CPUs.

> David

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