I added a bit of code in base that allows to use NSValue objects for size and 
point with methods for the other type. This is a bit closer to the Cocoa 
behaviour but will require more tweaking to have it fully correct. It will at 
least allow you to run this test code again.

> Am 20.05.2018 um 16:02 schrieb Fred Kiefer <fredkie...@gmx.de>:
> I spend some time to understand this issue. But to be honest it took me more 
> time to understand why this ever worked :-)
> The problem here is that base uses two different ways to provide concrete 
> subclasses for NSValue. One being GSValue, which supports generic data and 
> the other mechanism is to have a specific subclass for types like NSPoint and 
> NSSize. For the later base only generates specific methods for that types. 
> Resulting in different classes for NSPoint and NSSize, which are incompatible 
> although they have the same underlying data size.
> In your demo application that animation for shadowOffset tries to set the 
> offset size with a suitable default value of class GSSizeValue. But the code 
> in GSObjCSetVal only compares the type information without looking at the 
> type names. That way NSSize is regarded as the same as NSPoint and the 
> pointValue get executed, resulting in the error you reported. Either 
> GSObjCSetVal has to be more careful and use a check for the actual type 
> first. Or we need to make the NSValue subclasses more general.
> But why did it work before? Most likely because at that time CGSize and 
> CGPoint, where different from NSSize and NSPoint so we did not get the 
> specific optimisation in NSValue.
> Hope this helps,
> Fred
>> Am 20.05.2018 um 14:03 schrieb Ivan Vučica <i...@vucica.net>:
>> Hi,
>> Pretty much all Core Animation demos are currently broken under GNUstep with 
>> a variation on the following:
>> 2018-05-20 12:54:25.464 QuartzCoreDemo[13476:13476] Problem posting 
>> notification: <NSException: 0x15b53b8> NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException 
>> REASON:[GSSizeValue-pointValue] should be overridden by subclass INFO:(null)
>> CA is accessing -pointValue method if it determines that the passed NSValue 
>> matches the -objCType of NSPoint. It does not check for size values.
>> Clearly, sometimes it is trying to interpolate size values, which will match 
>> the signature and it will incorrectly attempt to access -pointValue which is 
>> then not implemented by GSSizeValue. I am not sure where might it be 
>> interpolating size values, but it seems to be doing so. (Alternative bug is 
>> that NSValue is incorrectly ingesting points as sizes, then complaining when 
>> the point provided is being interpreted as a point. I can try checking this 
>> later.)
>> I cannot check -respondsToSelector: because the class /does/ in fact respond 
>> to -pointValue; it just throws an exception.
>> Adding a try/catch in this kind of situation would make for some very poor 
>> code hygiene, in my opinion.
>> - Is NSValue supposed to be a class cluster like this? (Not on Mac at this 
>> time, can't check.)
>> - Is there a way out?
>> - Would it make sense to extend GSSizeValue and add -pointValue to it? 
>> (They're both 2d vectors.)
>> Thanks
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