
On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 3:08 AM Fred Kiefer <> wrote:

> Dear GNUsteppers,
> I would like to schedule a shared new release for the core GNUstep
> packages (make, base, gui, back) around the end of March. We have a lot of
> excellent new features and it would be great to bring those out to more
> distributions and users. We are a bit later than in previous years still we
> should leave us enough time to prepare that release. I hope that it is
> possible to merge the Wayland branch before. (And yes, I still didn’t get
> around to review that. Sorry) And to give other new features like the multi
> monitor support a bit more testing and polishing. But I would suggest that
> we do not start or merge other big features during that time. (Smaller
> changes like the ones Greg is working in gui on should be fine) Any
> objections?

No objections from me.  I was thinking recently about releasing, so this is
good timing.  I am currently working on the following things:

* NSSpeechRecognizer (nearly done, working)
  branch: NSSpeechRecognizer_branch
* NSFontCollection (about halfway done as I now sort of understand how it
  branch: NSFontCollection_branch
* NSStoryboard/NSStoryboardSegue (just started, but I understand fully what
they do)
  branch: NSStoryboard_branch

>From now to the end of march is plenty of time to finish all of these for
me, so, as long as they all pass review by then, I'm fine.

And most importantly, Ivan will you have time to cut all these releases? Of
> course we could move that point around a week or two if that date fits
> better.
> Fred

Yours, GC

Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant -

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