> On 3 Apr 2020, at 01:26, Ivan Vučica <ivuc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It’s mainly up to the maintainer to decide to release including whether 
> things like that NSURLComponents change are risky. I suppose I should perhaps 
> get a final thumbs up from Richard (or you) regarding -base, but otherwise 
> it’s just a matter of ‘do I have the time to do it’, which may mean ‘do I 
> feel like I’m going to do a good job if I start doing this now’. Fred asked 
> for a -gui/-back release.
> Sunday would be a good time for me, but I am fine waiting. Also, if it’s not 
> a binary-breaking change, I can always cut an additional point release. Let 
> me know what you think.

I think it's about time to make a release.  I'm looking at the NSURLComponents 
stuff some more today, but as it's a new class (not in the previous release), 
as long as it compiler reliably (it does) it's not going to break anything and 
should not stop us making a release.

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