On 30/10/2020 18:31, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
I wonder if this is a gnustep-make issue or a project issue?

My guess is a -make issue. I suspect a newer LLD is more aggressive about rejecting incompatible options than older linkers.

Where are -r and -rdynamic coming from? I found nothing therelike in gsc's subproject itself.

-r is from the subproject makefile. Subprojects are linked as a .o file that is then subsequently linked into the final binary, which requires -r.

I believe -rdynamic is added globally because it's necessary for dladdr to give useful outputs on most ELF platforms, which is essential for pretty back traces. We probably need to explicitly remove it from LDFLAGS in the subproject things in -make (it's only meaningful when producing a fully linked output).


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