Hello David,

thank you for the thorough analysis.

when I wrote x86, I meant x86-32, to distinguish from x86-64!

On 09/11/2020 10:58, David Chisnall wrote:
Hi Riccardo,

Nothing there looks obviously wrong, but the fact that you're getting a SEGV on an line that isn't explicitly accessing memory is interesting, as is the fact that this is in a `+initialize` method.

I wonder if the code in `objc_msgSend` is leaving the stack incorrectly aligned?  I encountered a similar problem with some assembly trampolines in another project recently, where everything was fine 99% of the time, but in a few cases the compiler was using SSE instructions on the stack and was crashing because the stack pointer was only 8-byte aligned and not the ABI-mandated 16-byte aligned.

This is clang10 and in March I perhaps used clang9, maybe they optimize more - this cpu has SSE & SSE2... who knows there were a couple of months where I had little time to devote do GNUstep and didn't use this second laptop, so i don't know when things broke, but not overly interesting I think.

If this is the case, you'll be able to see by looking at the value of the %rsp register and the current instruction.  Please can you:

 - Use `show registers rsp` to let me know your current stack pointer value.
 - Use `disas` and show me the instruction that it points to

I don't have that registerm it is for x86-64, right? esp should be the equivalent IA-32, no?

here my dump:

(gdb) info registers
eax            0xb7afa5e4          -1213225500
ecx            0xb7850510          -1216019184
edx            0x2                 2
ebx            0xb7ad1000          -1213394944
esp            0xbfffeb84          0xbfffeb84
ebp            0x0                 0x0
esi            0x834bde4           137674212
edi            0x833ef24           137621284
eip            0xb7850558          0xb7850558 <-[NSTimer initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:]+72>
eflags         0x210246            [ PF ZF IF RF ID ]
cs             0x73                115
ss             0x7b                123
ds             0x7b                123
es             0x7b                123
fs             0x0                 0
gs             0x33                51


Dump of assembler code for function -[NSTimer initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:]:
   0xb7850510 <+0>:    push   %ebp
   0xb7850511 <+1>:    push   %ebx
   0xb7850512 <+2>:    push   %edi
   0xb7850513 <+3>:    push   %esi
   0xb7850514 <+4>:    sub    $0x1c,%esp
   0xb7850517 <+7>:    call   0xb785051c <-[NSTimer initWithFireDate:interval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:]+12>
   0xb785051c <+12>:    pop    %ebx
   0xb785051d <+13>:    movsd  0x3c(%esp),%xmm0
   0xb7850523 <+19>:    mov    0x38(%esp),%ebp
   0xb7850527 <+23>:    mov    0x44(%esp),%edi
   0xb785052b <+27>:    mov    0x30(%esp),%esi
   0xb785052f <+31>:    xorpd  %xmm1,%xmm1
   0xb7850533 <+35>:    add    $0x280ae4,%ebx
   0xb7850539 <+41>:    movsd  -0x10d648(%ebx),%xmm3
   0xb7850541 <+49>:    movapd %xmm0,%xmm2
   0xb7850545 <+53>:    test   %ebp,%ebp
   0xb7850547 <+55>:    cmpnlesd %xmm1,%xmm2
   0xb785054c <+60>:    andpd  %xmm2,%xmm0
   0xb7850550 <+64>:    andnpd %xmm3,%xmm2
   0xb7850554 <+68>:    orpd   %xmm0,%xmm2

For extra confirmation, put an breakpoint on the first instruction of `NSRunLoop`'s  `+initialize` and let me know what the value of %rsp is on function entry?

That would be breaking:

Breakpoint 1, +[NSRunLoop initialize] (
    self=0xb7af2944 <._OBJC_CLASS_NSRunLoop>, _cmd=0x8085db0)
    at NSRunLoop.m:746
746      if (self == [NSRunLoop class])

(gdb) info registers esp
esp            0xbfffec44          0xbfffec44

Looking at the code, I think we are spilling 24 8-byte words to the stack, but the weirdness related to the x86 call instruction means that we will be doing the wrong thing for the ABI.

Before any fix, libobjc2  test suite:

76% tests passed, 44 tests failed out of 186


    125 - objc_msgSend (Child aborted)
    126 - objc_msgSend_optimised (Child aborted)
    127 - objc_msgSend_legacy (Child aborted)
    128 - objc_msgSend_legacy_optimised (Child aborted)

If you want to try a fix, I believe changing the 0x98 to 0xa0 on these two lines should work:



I believe doing that should cause the objc_msgSend test in the runtime's test suite to fail, but then changing the 0xD8 to 0xE0 on this line should fix it:


If your theory about alignment still applies, maybe you can hint me the 32bit version of it?

The 32bit method in slowLookUp is much shorter :)

5:                                       # slowSend:
    mov   \sel(%esp), %ecx
    lea   \receiver(%esp), %eax

    push  %ecx                           # _cmd
    push  %eax                           # &self
    .cfi_def_cfa_offset 12
    call  CDECL(slowMsgLookup)@PLT
    add   $8, %esp                       # restore the stack

I see "12" delcared here as frame offset

Thanks and looking forward for more from you!


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