Hi Wolfgang,

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
So perhaps the mistake here (apart from not type in the decodeValueOfObjCType 
call) was that _highlightsByMask and _altStateMask attributes were changed from 
unsigned int to NSInteger rather than NSUInteger? Although, admittedly, the 
real mistake was that those fields were unsigned ints in the first place, given 
that the corresponding methods always used to have (signed) int arguments and 
results (at least since the OpenStep era).

that's an alternative approach then.

If we check this commit:


the bug was introduced years ago when Fred changed "unsigned int" di NSInteger masks (at least, concerning the signedness difference, not the 32bit vs 64bit encoding). So I tried to do some historic research


here we see:
- (|void|)|setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:|(|unsigned int|)/mask
//- (|void|)|setShowsStateBy:|(|int|)/aType
////- (|void|)|setHighlightsBy:|(|int|)/aType

/// This shows an unsigned mask, integer types: Fred surely just fixed our method signatures by looking at Apple's doc, which is equivalent to old OpenStep stuff:

So.. our Gorm format is "wrong" since ever.

Apple in the meanwhile made types of state and hightlight with an enum type NSCellStyleMask


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