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By: tml1024

Well, do you have any *.jpg files directly in the C:/Temp directory? That is
what `du -s C:/Temp/*.jpg` looks for. This is no different from what it does
on UNIX systems.

Not that the -s is pointless when you pass a list of files to du, which you
do in your `du -s c:/Temp/*.exe` example.

If you want the sizes of *.jpg files in C:/Temp and all subdirectories, you
need something like `find C:/Temp -iname '*.jpg' | xargs du` . But that won't
give you a total either. For that you need to pipe the output further to some
small awk script or whatever.

Anyway, why bother at all with a port of a UNIX tool to what is a decidedly
non-UNIXish system, where you can never be sure whether how the tool works is
meaningful or not? (Like, can the gnuwin32 port of du find out the correct disk
block size for the volume in question? I don't know.) Just use Windows 
Search for *.jpg files, select all found, right-click and check Properties.
It tells you exactly how many they are, what their total apparent size, and
total size on disk is.

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