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By: liamtr

Hey guys,

Strangely i didn't get the usual emails from SourceForge until a day or two
ago to notify me replies had been posted. Not sure what happened there... but
sh1t happens i guess.

Anyhoo, thanks for compiling new versions raysatiro. I wonder when the dev team
are going to post some new builds themselves. I expect many users would prefer
to download from them directly if possible. Did they accept you on the dev team
yet raysatiro?

Yeah, i am aware that even reporting this relatively minor issue would tend
to make me look a little paranoid, but that's not really the case. This 
project has a history of ignoring security issues, so i just keep posting them
in the forums/bugs. I reported an "important" security flaw last year which
had remained unpatched for 3 whole years:

You have got to admit that 3 years is pretty woeful. If anyone has contacts
on the dev team, do us all a favor and light a fire under their @ss about their
current security posture. I don't mean to be rude or anything, especially as
it costs end users nothing to use - being open source and all, but yeah...
improvements are needed.

Anyway, at the end of the day Wget still rules, and i appreciate the hard work
of everyone who has contributed to this project.



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