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By: bladeoflight16


I'm using the 3.81 version of make provided here. Currently, I don't have any
of the typical Unix-style shells installed, so when it runs, it's executing
via cmd.exe. Commands execute just fine with no problem, but I need this 
to be executed on Unix-like systems as well. I also can't just install a shell
because I'll be sharing this with other Windows users, too, who also don't have
any such shell.

I know how to use variables to have different command names, so that's fine.
The problem I'm having is detecting whether or not I'm using a Unix-style shell
or if I'm running something DOS-like. The SHELL variable doesn't update to match
the actual shell in use, sadly. It defaults to sh.exe and stays that unless
the variable is manually set (which I prefer to avoid requiring).

As a work around, I'm testing if the ComSpec variable is defined by the 
and setting SHELL to its value if so. This really isn't satisfactory since,
if I understand correctly, a Windows user explicitly specifying a non-DOS-like
shell or a Unix-like OS user having a ComSpec environment variable would break
the functionality.

Is there a better way to deal with this? Thanks.

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