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On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:04 AM <> wrote:

> Hi, I am not sure of the actual expected behaviour, but I can't see an
> obvious way to work around the issue if it is expected.
> The setup is:
> A single git repository, with two sub directories:
>   project-a
>   project-b
> There is a pipeline for project-a, that uses the git repository as
> material. It has a whitelist such that it _only_ triggers if there is a
> change for project-a. The project-a pipeline publishes an artifact.
> There is a pipeline for project-b, again it uses the git repository as
> material, this time having a whitelist such that it _only_ triggers if
> there is a change for project-b. It depends on the artifact from the
> project-a pipeline.
> If a change is made to project-a, its pipeline is triggered, when it
> passes, project-b kicks off as a dependency, which works as expected.
> If a change is made to project-b, nothing is triggered (I am guessing
> because it wants to share material with project-a that hasn't been
> triggered). This means that changes to project-b never get built until
> someone changes project-a as well, which is not what is desired. What we
> would like to happen, is project-b kicks off with the changes and uses the
> last artifact published by project-a (which is what would happen if
> project-a and project-b were in different repositories, basically want the
> pipelines to be independent).
> Is there anyway to get this set-up working as desired?
> Cheers
> Mark
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