
We have several Pipelines that are failing during the "clean working 
directory" task of a Job. The only error message provided is "Unable to 
delete file".

This just started recently but I believe that, until recently, these same 
Jobs did not have the "Clean working directory" attribute set so the issue 
has likely existed for some time and we are just discovering it now. The 
issue affects multiple Pipelines but all affected Pipelines follow the same 

Stage 1: 1 job
Stage 2: 2 jobs

The issue only affects 1 Agent but this is the only Agent we have that is 
capable of running these jobs. The issue never seems to affect Stage 1 but 
what we see is that if Stage 1 completes and then Stage 2 for the same 
Pipeline starts immediately, both jobs fail with the same error message 
about being unable to delete a particular file.

If we rerun Stage 2 a few minutes later, both jobs complete successfully. I 
have reviewed the Agent's log file and there is no additional information 
beyond the same "Unable to delete file" error message shown on the console.

The file is inside GoCD's working directory and the GoCD user has full 
control of the entire directory tree so it should not be a permissions 
issue on the file. The file is a normal file, not a symlink that could lead 
outside the working directory to somewhere GoCD does not have access.

How can we get additional information about why GoCD is failing to clean 
the working directory so that we can resolve the issue?

At the moment we are working around the issue by manually re-running failed 
Stages but this is obviously far from ideal.

Any insight here would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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