Hi Julia,

The only thing I can think of that might cause an issue from what I can see 
in the Value Stream Maps that you posted is that the "ui_full" and 
"plugins" Pipelines seem to share a particular SVN source (coloured purple 
in the second photo). Are you sure that ui_full v2403 and plugins v189 both 
triggered using the same version of that Material?

Have you checked the logs on the GoCD server to see if there are any 
messages there relating to how the "apps" Pipeline is choosing the version 
of the plugins Pipeline to use?

I don't have any brilliant insights as to what the issue is at this point 
but hopefully this helps a little.


On Friday, 23 October 2020 at 04:41:18 UTC-4 aquil...@gmx.de wrote:

> Hi everyone, 
> I'm struggling a bit with understanding the fan-in especially when using 
> timer-triggered pipelines. I hope that you can help me either to understand 
> or even to solve the following issue.
> There are 4 dependent pipelines as shown below, which are all 
> timer-triggered:
>    - ui_full is triggered at 5pm
>    - plugins and core are triggered at 6pm
>    - apps is triggered at 7pm
> The timeslots are huge enough to ensure that the previous build has been 
> finished before the next dependent pipeline is started. The subversion 
> materials are usually subfolders of three different subversion repositories 
> (marked by color).
> Unfortunately, the apps pipeline consumes the very same version of the 
> plugins (e.g. 159) for every run, until the artifacts have been garbage 
> collected by GoCD and the pipeline fails. Then I have to trigger the apps 
> pipeline manually once, so that it uses the latest and greatest plugins 
> (e.g. 189). 
> Why doesn't the apps pipeline use the latest run of the plugins pipeline 
> anyways, while this is working for e.g. the core pipeline. How can I force 
> it to use the latest one? Why does it work when triggered manually, but not 
> when using the timer?
> There are no check-ins or manual triggers in between which would mess this 
> up. Any hint is appreciated.
> Regards,
> Julia
> Timer triggered:
> [image: timer-triggered.png]
> Manually triggered:
> [image: manually_triggered.png]

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