I am trying to create a Discord plugin as a task plugin. It should send a 
message to discord webhook with data about all previous stages and Material 
changes that triggered the pipeline. 

I have 90% of it done, but I am missing how can I get the previous stages 
info from plugin. I tried to query requestBody, but it has only environment 
variables and config for Discord webhook. I uploaded the body contents I am 

Basically, I need this Json. Any idea how to get it?

*{  "PipelineChange":  [    {      "Index": 111,      "Author": "John",    
  "Changed_Files":[        "Assets/Code/Test.cs",        
"Assets/Code/Foo.cs"      ]    },    {      "Index": 112,      "Author": 
"Jane",      "Changed_Files":[        "Assets/Code/Bar.cs"      ]    }  ],  
"Previous_Stages":[    {      "Name": "Build Windows",      "State": 
"Passed"    },    {      "Name": "Build Mac",      "State": "Failed"    }  

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  "context": {
    "workingDirectory": "pipelines\\Pine-Steamworks",
    "environmentVariables": {
      "GO_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:8153/go";,
      "GO_REVISION": "31",
      "GO_FROM_REVISION": "31",
      "GO_AGENT_RESOURCES": "es-windows,seum-windows",
      "GO_PIPELINE_LABEL": "5",
      "GO_STAGE_NAME": "Discord-Upload",
      "GO_MATERIAL_URL": "<URL Value>",
      "GO_PIPELINE_GROUP_NAME": "defaultGroup",
      "GO_PIPELINE_NAME": "Pine-Steamworks",
      "GO_STAGE_COUNTER": "1",
      "GO_MATERIAL_HAS_CHANGED": "false",
      "GO_JOB_NAME": "Discord-Upload",
      "GO_TO_REVISION": "31",
      "GO_TRIGGER_USER": "anonymous"
  "config": {
    "DiscordWebhook": {
      "secure": false,
      "value": "<Webhook Value>"
      "required": false

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